
Horrible hacks for Julia-IPython integration

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The full notebook for the screenshot below can be found here.

Julia in IPython kernel in Jupyter notebook Julia in IPython terminal


  • Julia’s Multimedia I/O hooked into IPython’s display system
  • Code completion inside Julia magic (by monkey-patching IPython)
  • @async works in Jupyter (Julia’s event loop is integrated to ipykernel’s asyncio event loop)
  • print works in Jupyter (Julia’s standard streams are integrated to ipykernel’s I/O)
  • Syntax highlighting works in %%julia magic of ipython CLI (but not in Jupyter)
  • Copy-free access to Julia objects from Python

Those are build on top of the great libraries PyCall.jl and PyJulia. (It would be nice to merge some features to PyJulia at some point. But I wanted to do some experiments on Python interface for handling Julia objects.)


pip install https://github.com/tkf/ipyjulia_hacks/archive/master.zip#egg=ipyjulia_hacks

IPython extension usage

%load_ext ipyjulia_hacks.ipy.magic


Pythonic wrapper of Julia objects.

>>> from ipyjulia_hacks import get_api
>>> jlapi = get_api()


>>> spam = jlapi.eval('''Base.eval(Module(), quote
... mutable struct Spam
...     egg
... end
... Spam(1)
... end)''')
>>> spam.egg
>>> spam.egg = 2
>>> spam.egg


>>> one = jlapi.eval("1", wrap=True)
>>> one
<JuliaObject 1>
>>> one // 2  # translated to ``1 ÷ 2``, *not* ``1 // 2``
>>> assert one == 1
>>> assert one != 0
>>> assert one > 0
>>> assert one >= 1
>>> assert one < 2
>>> assert one <= 1
>>> assert one


>>> a2d = jlapi.eval("reshape((1:6) .- 1, (2, 3))")
>>> a2d
<JuliaObject [0 2 4; 1 3 5]>
>>> a2d[0, 1]
>>> jlapi.eval("[1, 2, 3]")
array([1, 2, 3], dtype=int64)
>>> arr = jlapi.eval("[1, 2, 3]", wrap=True)
>>> list(reversed(arr))
[3, 2, 1]

Linear algebra:

>>> jlapi.eval("import LinearAlgebra")
>>> I = jlapi.eval("LinearAlgebra.I")
>>> M = jlapi.eval("reshape(1:6, 2, 3)")
>>> Y = M @ I
>>> Y
array([[1, 3, 5],
       [2, 4, 6]], dtype=int64)
>>> import numpy
>>> M @ numpy.ones(3)
array([ 9., 12.])

Named tuple:

>>> nt = jlapi.eval("(a = 1, b = 2)")
>>> nt.a
>>> nt.b
>>> nt[0]
>>> nt[1]
>>> len(nt)
>>> {"a", "b"} <= set(dir(nt))


>>> dct = jlapi.eval('Dict("b" => 2)')
>>> dct["a"] = 1
>>> del dct["b"]
>>> dct["a"]
>>> dct
<JuliaObject Dict("a"=>1)>
>>> dct == {"a": 1}

Three-valued logic:

>>> true = jlapi.eval("true", wrap=True)
>>> false = jlapi.eval("false", wrap=True)
>>> missing = jlapi.eval("missing")
>>> true
<JuliaObject true>
>>> false
<JuliaObject false>
>>> true & missing
<JuliaObject missing>
>>> false & missing
>>> true | missing
>>> false | missing
<JuliaObject missing>
>>> true ^ false
>>> true ^ true
>>> true ^ missing
<JuliaObject missing>
>>> false ^ false
ipyjulia_hacks.get_api(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize JuliaAPI.

Positional and keyword arguments are passed directly to julia.Julia

>>> from ipyjulia_hacks import get_api
>>> get_api(jl_runtime_path="PATH/TO/CUSTOM/JULIA") 
<JuliaAPI ...>

Get pre-initialized JuliaAPI instance or None if not ready.

>>> from ipyjulia_hacks import get_cached_api
>>> jlapi = get_cached_api()
>>> jlapi.eval("1 + 1")
class ipyjulia_hacks.core.JuliaAPI(eval_str, api)

Julia-Python interface.

start_repl(*, banner=False, history_file=True, **kwargs)

Start Julia REPL.

eval(code, wrap=None, **kwargs)

Evaluate code in Main scope of Julia.


code (str) – Julia code to be evaluated.

Keyword Arguments:
  • wrap ({True, False, None}) – If None (default), wrap the output by a Python interface (JuliaObject) for some appropriate Julia objects. Force wrapping by passing None and
  • scope (JuliaObject or PyCall.jlwrap) – A Julia module (default to Main).


>>> from ipyjulia_hacks import get_api
>>> jlapi = get_api()

By default, most of Julia objects returned by this function are the the Python wrapper JuliaObject. This object just has a reference to the object held by Julia so that passing it back to Julia is easy. However, you can suppress this behavior by passing wrap=False. For example:

>>> _ = jlapi.eval("dct = Dict()")
>>> dct_jl = jlapi.eval("dct")
>>> dct_py = jlapi.eval("dct", wrap=False)
>>> dct_jl
<JuliaObject Dict{Any,Any}()>
>>> dct_py
>>> assert isinstance(dct_py, dict)
>>> dct_jl["a"] = 1
>>> dct_py["b"] = 2
>>> jlapi.eval("dct")
<JuliaObject Dict{Any,Any}("a"=>1)>

Note that dct object (living in Julia’s Main) does not have the key "b". This is because dct_py is a copy of the original Julia object.

Some objects such as Array are not wrapped by JuliaObject by default. Julia Array is automatically converted to numpy.ndarray in a copy-free manner by PyCall.jl:

>>> _ = jlapi.eval("xs = [1, 2, 3]")
>>> xs = jlapi.eval("xs")
>>> xs
array([1, 2, 3], dtype=int64)
>>> xs[0] = 100
>>> jlapi.eval("xs")
array([100,   2,   3], dtype=int64)
getattr(obj, name)

Get attribute (property) named name of a Julia object obj.

class ipyjulia_hacks.core.JuliaMain(julia)

An interface to Julia’s Main namespace.


An alias to JuliaAPI.eval.


Run import <module> in an anonymous module and return <module>.


  • Using Plots.jl etc. inside IPython Jupyter kernel: Notebook

Using ForwardDiff from Python

>>> from ipyjulia_hacks import get_main, jlfunction
>>> @jlfunction
... def f(xs):
...     return sum(xs * 2)
>>> Main = get_main()
>>> ForwardDiff = Main.import_("ForwardDiff")
>>> ForwardDiff.gradient(f, [0.0, 1.0])
array([2., 2.])

Fake asyncio integration

Executable scripts of the following examples can be fond in examples directory.

Simple example

async def main():
    ajl = AsyncJuliaAPI()
    print(await ajl.eval("1"))
        await ajl.eval('error("oops!")')
    except RuntimeError as err:
        print("Expected exception:")
        raise AssertionError("No exception!")

Interleaving Python and Julia “background” tasks

Suppose you have a Python coroutine that waits for I/O (here just calling asyncio.sleep) most of the time:

async def py_repeat(name, num):
    for i in range(num):
        print(name, "i =", i)
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
    return f"{name} done"

and its Julia equivalent:

def jl_repeat(ajl, name, num):
    return ajl.eval(rf"""
        for i in 1:{num}
            print("{name} i = $i\n")
            # Using `print` instead of `println` here to force Julia to write
            # everything "at once".
        return "{name} done"

Then you can interleave the execution of those tasks in the event loop of asyncio:

async def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    ajl = AsyncJuliaAPI()
    tasks, _ = await asyncio.wait(map(loop.create_task, [
        jl_repeat(ajl, "Julia [A]", 2),
        jl_repeat(ajl, "Julia [B]", 5),
        py_repeat("Python [A]", 2),
        py_repeat("Python [B]", 5),
    for t in tasks:
        print(await t)

This should output something like:

Julia [A] i = 1
Julia [B] i = 1
Python [A] i = 0
Python [B] i = 0
Julia [A] i = 2
Julia [B] i = 2
Python [A] i = 1
Python [B] i = 1
Julia [B] i = 3
Python [B] i = 2
Python [B] i = 3
Julia [B] i = 4
Python [B] i = 4
Julia [B] i = 5
Julia [B] done
Python [B] done
Python [A] done
Julia [A] done